The BouillabaisseThe Bouillabaisse is a famous and tasty French fish soup. It is safeguarded in its originality and reputation by The "Carta della Bouillabaisse" The Bouillabaisse Document, signed in 1980 by the Provençal Restaurant Owners who have certified its ingredients and preparation procedure.

It is a dish that belongs to the Marseillaise Folk Cusine and the origins of the dish originate from the local fishermen's habits, that on returning from their fishing expeditions, they were accustomed to cooking the discarded parts of the fish and shellfish that could not be sold.

This main course is characterised by its taste and smell. According to the people of Marseille this dish totally expresses the culture and traditions of their seafaring city. The Bouillabaisse includes a variety of reef fish, cooked in aromatic broth and served with smal pieces of toasted bread and Rouille, which is a typical Provençal sauce.

Ingredients for 4 persons

Pinch of/Teaspoon of
Fennel seeds

Some Olive oil
(according to taste)






1 Small bunch


As required


1 sachet




1 Kg


3 Cloves


1 Leaf

Orange rind


Pieces of Celery


Fish for Soup

1.8 kg

Baguette loaf of Bread



As required


Put the oil in the pan together with the leek, onions, celery and garlic finely sliced and fry. Then put the tomatoes in boiling water to take off the skin and then rinse under cold water and cut into small cubes. Add the tomatoes to the vegetables with the orange rind.

Cook slowly for about 10 minutes and then add the fish for the soup (which has previously been cleaned) cut into small pieces; Pour into the pan 1.5 litres of boiling water and add the laurel leaf, parsley, fennel seeds, salt , pepper and 1 sachet of Saffron. Proceed with the cooking time for an additional 15 minutes.

Saffron is considered a fundamental ingredient for this main course dish, due to its slightly bitter taste and its sweet aroma.

Subsequently, filter the soup with a colander, eliminating the head and tail of the fish. Then add the higher graded fish , previously cleaned and cut into pieces. Cook for 15 minutes and then using perforated ladle, transfer the fish into a heated serving dish.

Following the Bouillabaisse tradition, the broth must be served in soup bowls and the toasted bread pieces should be flavoured with garlic and Rouille sauce. Whilst the fish itself must be served separately with sprinkled parsley on it. This dish should be accompanies by White Dry Wine or Rosè Wine, typical of the Provençal Region.